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Regular price $1,875.00 USD

Stunning set as just found in a gorgeous mahogany box with patent nickle plated chisel holders. Some very rare sizes. Berg tang butt chisels are very uncommon (I have rarely even seen single ones). The chisels themselves are in superb condition and have been well protected by the box. Berg sticker inside the box was intact when found. I do not know if this is an original Berg box but it possibly is and/or the chisels may have been fitted into it by a US distributor. Every chisel has the Berg logo and/or shark. Each chisel fits into its clip and into a slot in the mahogany base holder. Two clips in the box are only partially intact but 13 are fine and all have the patent information on them. Exceptional set! Note that the 1/4" is shorter than the others. 16 new reproduction EA Berg chisel labels will be included with the set as oddly, only two chisels have labels.

Includes the following (nominal) sizes:

  • 1/8" 4mm
  • 1/4" 6mm
  • 9/32" 7mm
  • 3/8" 9mm 
  • 1/2" 13mm
  • 5/8" 16mm
  • 3/4" 19mm
  • 7/8" 22mm
  • 1" 25mm
  • 1 1/8" 28mm
  • 1 1/4" 31mm
  • 1 1/2" 38mm
  • 1 3/4" 45mm
  • 1 7/8" 48mm (unheard of size!)
  • 2" 51mm

**All edge tools may need to be sharpened/honed before use**