A Passion For Tools
My love and passion for vintage tools is as unrelenting today as it has been since the day I randomly acquired a small wooden smoothing plane in a box lot at a household auction in rural Nova Scotia 35 years ago. It has been a journey enriched by amazing people, early mornings and late nights, backroad travel, the work of the pioneers of tool collecting (Roger Smith, Ken Roberts, and Paul Kebabian spring to mind), and hours (years??) spent cleaning, analyzing, researching, discussing and generally just in awe of wonderful old tools.
I have collected, inspected, dissected, and resurrected thousands of tools and yet I could probably tell you a story of most every one purchased. And every tool has had its own history and journey. Over a period of about 10 years through the 1990's, in one county, I independently bought three different handmade spokeshaves/scrapers each with an ivory wear plate fastened to the sole with ebony pins. Clearly each was made by the same craftsperson yet each travelled a different path into my collection.
Collecting is in my blood but so is bringing tools into the hands of builders, collectors, makers, and artisans. I am honoured to share my love for this with my partner and wife Ewa, an artist who wanders down this winding road with me and brings her own enthusiasm and passion into everything we do together.
And that has led to this website...
So enjoy what you see, buy what you like, and build what you are passionate about whether it be a collection, a cradle, a cabin, or a credenza.